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How to find a balance between making money and living a rich personal life

What does it mean to be rich?

These answers widely differ by person, of course. Being rich means a successful, high-level job or a hefty bank account for some people. But for the clear majority of people, being rich doesn’t just mean monetarily. For most, it means things like a work-life balance, healthy relationships with family and friends, travel, feeling fulfilled, etc.

But how does one achieve all these things?

Of course, a career plays a role in some of these things. Most people want to be fulfilled in work and successful in their day-to-day professional interactions. Of course, work supplies us with the necessary funds to fulfill our hobbies, travel, and support our families.

However, we often feel like we’re balancing our professional and personal life on a scale—trying to keep an equilibrium or 50/50 balance between the two.

Here is a quick guide to balancing a rich personal life and making money. While there is no one-size-fits-all or perfect answer, this list will help you reflect on your priorities and guide you to more balance.

Balance your priorities

Your priorities will change as you age. For younger professionals, you may want to work more. This can be a source of social life, friendships and help you advance your career later in life. But during your middle and later career, you may want to think about balancing family time more often.

If you have young children, you don’t want to miss important firsts. You may have a home and a mortgage, but you should have some savings. This is time to cut back on work. Spend more time with family and reorganize your priorities. Put family before overtime and late nights.

Set boundaries

Boundaries are essential for a healthy life. Your boundaries should be a set of rules you have for personal and professional life. You may want to set hours for work and don’t work outside those hours. Maybe you won’t answer emails during non-work hours. Or maybe you limit work to business hours. Make sure you set boundaries that work for you and your career.

Be present

A great and simple way to balance work and personal life is to be more present outside of work. How often have you been off the clock but thinking about unsent emails, upcoming meetings or percolating ideas? Try to clear your mind after work.

Put down your phone after hours and listen to conversations with your family, clear your mind, or focus on your free time. This is not an easy task, but being aware of your thoughts is the first step to being more present.

Give yourself breaks

No one can work forever. In fact, not taking a break is a great way to burn yourself out. It can be easy to hit the grind and not slow down. Some people can even feel guilty about taking time away from work. But allow yourself to take vacations or breaks from work. These can make you more productive when you’re back at work and help recharge you.

Give yourself more periodic breaks, as well. Make sure to take a lunch break each day where you’re able to sit and enjoy a meal, instead of trying to multitask or think about work. Also allott some time to yourself, as well. Spend a few minutes each day doing something alone. It could be going to the gym, meditating or doing a hobby you enjoy. This time alone can help recharge you.

Set personal goals

It can be easy to set work goals. Maybe you want to reach partner or get that promotion? But what about personal goals? Make sure you’re setting goals for yourself during non-work hours, too. Maybe you want to learn to play an instrument. Maybe you want to visit Italy or learn a foreign language. Have a list of goals you want to achieve. Keep these on your desk or in a prominent location. That way you’re focused on things other than work.

Make sure to try out new hobbies here, too. These can be smaller tasks, like gardening more, walking daily, or learning to knit. Even spending a few minutes each day doing something outside of work can help keep you connected to your personal life, keep you more focused and help balance your time.

In the new year, try to incorporate these tips. They take time and dedication, but we think you’ll be on your way to a richer life.


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