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Three ways to build better teams

A strong sense of collaboration and community in a workplace can make all the difference between an effective, efficient (not to mention, fun) dream team and an office nightmare. Many leaders struggle with how to build the best team they can and facilitate collaboration, especially given the uncertainty of recent times and the rapid change it can bring to your workplace. Here are some tips to help you up your teamwork to the next level in just about any work environment.

1. Communication, communication, communication

Communicating well is the foundation of any good team. Communication means two things: speaking and listening. Speak your mind openly and honestly, and encourage the rest of your team to do the same. Communicate your expectations clearly and in no uncertain terms so that everyone is on the same page. At the same time, listen. Show that you are open to suggestions, concerns, and constructive criticism. Ask questions, and show that you care about the answers. Make it clear that you value the ideas of your teammates. This doesn’t have to mean formal meetings all the time either; touch base and catch up with your team every now and then.

2. Establish some ground rules

Rules don’t have to be restrictive. All groups have rules, whether spoken or unspoken. Make yours spoken so that everyone understands them clearly and has a chance to offer suggestions. Norms and guidelines, even simple ones like “Everyone should be punctual for meetings,” help ensure efficiency. Establish rules early, but be prepared to adapt if they don’t work out. Make sure the rest of the team helps create these ground rules by consensus; offering them the chance to give feedback and decide on rules themselves will help everyone understand why the rules are necessary and increase their commitment to following them.

3. Be clear about the team’s purpose and goals

If the team doesn’t understand the “why” of their work, they have less reason to be motivated, attentive, and enthusiastic. Make sure you and the rest of the team know your long-term goals, the purpose of those goals, and how your current tasks fit into that big picture. Not only will this increase motivation among your team members, but it also gives you a clear way to evaluate the progress you all are making both collectively and individually.

These steps can help you better manage your company by any metric, whether its the morale of your teammates or their productivity. Both employees and the company can benefit from a functional and enjoyable workplace culture.


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