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Work-Life Balance and 2 Successful Ways to Create It

What is Work-Life Balance and why is it so Important?

Work-life balance refers to the equilibrium between the time and energy you spend on work and the time and energy you spend on other aspects of your life, such as family, friends, hobbies, and personal interests. Achieving work-life balance means fulfilling your responsibilities and pursuing your interests outside of work, while also managing your workload effectively and maintaining your well-being.

As a fellow small business owner I know all too well how easily our businesses can consume every aspect of our lives, but those pressures can also come from our personal life which can leave us just as equally burnt out. It is important to set and keep solid boundaries that allow us to compartmentalize and be 100% present for what needs our focus at the time. We all need time to work in our businesses, on our businesses and personal time to stay balanced. Struggling with keeping boundaries? Read on as I’ve put together some ideas on how you can achieve work-life balance and have included an actionable tip that you can put into use immediately!

Work-life balance is Important for Several Reasons
  1. It can help you avoid burnout and maintain your physical and mental health. When you are overworked or stressed, it can have negative impacts on your health and well-being, leading to physical and mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Achieving work-life balance can help you avoid these issues and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Work-life balance can help you improve your relationships and social connections. Spending time with family and friends, pursuing hobbies, and engaging in personal interests can help you build stronger relationships and social connections, which can have positive impacts on your well-being and happiness.
  3. Finally, work-life balance can help you be more productive and successful in your career. When you have a healthy balance between work and other aspects of your life, you are more likely to be focused, energized, and motivated, which can help you perform better in your job and achieve your career goals.
Strategy #1:  Outsourcing is very Effective for Achieving Work-Life Balance:
  • Outsourcing can help you focus on your strengths and passions by delegating tasks that are outside of your expertise.
  • Outsourcing can save you time and reduce stress by having other professionals take on tasks that would otherwise require a significant amount of time and effort. It will also help you scale your business without having to hire and manage additional staff.
  • Common tasks to outsource would be for things like accounting, marketing, graphic design and some administrative tasks that could be handled by virtual assistants.
Tips for choosing and setting up the right sources for Outsourcing:
  • Conduct research to discover expertise, reliability, honesty, efficiency and price fairness.
  • Review portfolios and reviews.
  • Check references.
  • Discuss the importance of clear communication and setting expectations when working with them and be sure you are in agreement.
Potential Risks for choosing the wrong sources:
  1. Poor quality work: If you choose an unreliable outsourcing source, you may receive work that is of poor quality, which can damage your reputation and harm your business. It can also result in wasted time and money, as you may need to re-do the work or find a different outsourcing source. Keep in mind that you most often get what you pay for and don’t choose simply based on pricing.
  2. Communication issues: Communication is crucial when working with outsourcing sources, and if you choose a source that does not speak your language or is not responsive, you may face difficulties in communicating your needs and requirements. This can result in misunderstandings, delays, and mistakes.
  3. Data security risks: If you are outsourcing sensitive or confidential information, there is a risk that your outsourcing source may not have adequate data security measures in place, which can put your business at risk of data breaches and other security incidents.
  4. Legal issues: If you are outsourcing work that is subject to legal or regulatory requirements, such as accounting or legal services, be certain your outsourcing source will be compliant with applicable laws and regulations to avoid any legal issues and financial penalties.
  5. Cultural differences: If you are outsourcing work to a different country or culture, be aware there may be cultural differences that can affect the quality of work or communication.
Strategy #2: Delegating Tasks within your own Organization:

Using this strategy can benefit you and your employees by providing employees opportunities to learn and grow while freeing up your time and energy for other activities.

Tips for Successfully Delegating Tasks:
  • Define the task: Clearly define the task and the expected outcomes, including any relevant deadlines or quality standards. Make sure the person you are delegating to understands what is expected of them.
  • Choose the right person: Select someone who has the necessary skills and knowledge to complete the task effectively. Consider their availability, workload, and other commitments before delegating the task.
  • Provide resources and support: Make sure the person you are delegating to has access to the resources and support they need to complete the task successfully. This may include training, tools, and guidance.
  • Set boundaries: Clearly communicate the boundaries and limitations of the task, including any budget constraints or time limitations. This will help the person you are delegating to manage their workload effectively and avoid overworking themselves.
  • Trust and empower: Trust the person you are delegating to and empower them to make decisions and take ownership of the task. This will help them feel more engaged and motivated, which can improve the quality of their work.
  • Provide feedback: Provide feedback and support throughout the task, including regular check-ins and feedback on the quality of the work. This will help the person you are delegating to improve their skills and knowledge, and help you maintain control over the task.

Overall, achieving work-life balance is important for maintaining your health, building strong relationships, and achieving success in both your career and personal life. I love partnering with my clients to help them achieve their goals.

Actionable Tip you can start doing Today!

I find it works well to schedule my days and weeks in advance so that I follow through.  My calendar is full of color-coded blocks of time for working in my business such as doing client work and continuing education, time for working on my business for things like writing blog posts, and a sprinkling of personal time to relax and reset myself. I have found it helps immensely when I don’t leave my days to chance. Sometimes I find it’s necessary to switch up a day due to circumstances but having those blocks of time on my calendar reminds me to follow through with the boundaries I have set. In turn, those boundaries keep me balanced. I learned this little trick from my friend and business coach, Stephanie Rising at The Rising Effect. If you find yourself struggling with keeping boundaries give this a try!


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